Today I read this post on Facebook from a teacher, Katie Lindberg Peters:

January 19, 2022

Today I taught 6 periods and subbed during my planning. I helped a young man find safe housing, a sweet girl secure a new winter jacket, replaced a student’s missing backpack, arranged for a replacement Chromebook, made sure a student had food for this weekend and gave another a little cash for a haircut. I listened to a (lengthy) story about a new puppy, sat with a girl crying from cramps and supported a boy navigating his first heartbreak. I walked a new student to her next class, saved an art project with some super glue and wrote a card to a student I suspect is struggling right now. After that, I went to a meeting, tutored a student and tried to finish a college letter of recommendation that a student asked me for TODAY and needs by TOMORROW!!!   In all, I spent 10 hours working at work and 4 more at home trying to plan fun, inviting lessons.

I don’t want a single accolade.
I don’t tell you this for gratitude.
I don’t want your pats on the back.

I want you to know that in your child’s school, 30-50 teachers and school support staff did this today. And we will do it again tomorrow.
It’s what we signed up for.
It’s what we love.
It’s the reason we feel fulfilled.

It’s also why we’re tired.

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